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Code of Conduct

The following Code of Conduct emphasizes the principles and ethos that guide how team members within TFS relate to and treat one another. 


No person at TFS is more important than any other. 


TFS seeks to actively combat and undo racism, xenophobia, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, ageism, classism, and discrimination on the basis of language, nationality, religion, educational attainment or other characteristics of identity or community. 


Self-awareness, empathy, and attention to the impact one has on others is crucial to each team members’ ability to fulfill these commitments.

As a TFS team member you have the right to:


Feel respected

Feel empowered

Feel encouraged to grow and learn

Feel safe

Feel heard

As a TFS team member, you are expected to:


Treat colleagues, supervisors and supervisees with respect and empathy.


Seek to empower those you lead and supervise.

Seek opportunities for growth and learning. Seek to train and teach those around you.

Constantly prioritize the physical safety and general wellbeing of those around you.

Treat team members with empathy and curiosity about where they’re coming from, and be open to feedback.

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The TFS Employee Handbook is designed to acquaint you with our company and provide a reference for many of your questions regarding your employment with us.  To view our most up to date employee handbook,please click the button below



We take pride in what we do and feel that the performance of our employees is a reflection of our company as a whole, whether working in our warehouse, prep kitchen or on the event floor in front of guests.  We strive for excellence and therefore seek out skill, professionalism, and great attitudes from those that are a part of our team.  Our Employee Handbook outlines the expectations we have of our team members.  It is each employee’s responsibility to read our handbook as well as any company communications carefully so that they are familiar with our company policies and procedures.


Whenever possible, employees will receive a formal annual performance evaluation conducted by department leadership. Positive performance evaluations are the basis for promotions, pay increases, and shift priority. Staff members who do not follow our policies and procedures will be subject to disciplinary action. We use escalating disciplinary measures tailored to each individual case that arises.  A combination of coaching reminders, verbal warnings, written notices, mandated trainings, demotions, suspensions, and other such actions will be used when behavior is not acceptable and according to The Fire Society’s standards. Severe or repeated violations may result in termination without the possibility of rehire.  An employee’s recorded disciplinary actions will be taken into account when performance evaluations are conducted and can negatively affect shift offerings and priority, potential raises, eligibility for promotions and other company benefits.   

Generally, here are some things to keep in mind: 

Employees who receive the overall highest performance scores will receive shift priority.

Disciplinary offenses will have an impact on annual performance evaluation scores.

Employees who receive low performance evaluation scores may not be eligible for compensation increases.

Employees who receive low performance evaluations will be offered fewer shifts. 



There are a number of offenses that tend to occur on a more frequent basis at our company. Employees who commit one of these offenses can expect to receive a written notification via email from the Staffing Manager letting them know that the instance has been recorded. Common infractions as well as other disciplinary issues will be tracked throughout an entire calendar year, and will reset at the beginning of each year. As mentioned above, an employee’s disciplinary record will have an impact on their performance evaluation.

Dress Code Violations

When an employee shows up for a scheduled shift out of dress.  For more information on TFS dress codes, click here.


When an employee shows up more than 15 minutes late without calling, or 30+ minutes late even after calling.

Unexcused Call Outs

An  “unexcused call out” occurs when an employee calls out within 14 days of an upcoming shift without an excused absence. If an employee calls out with more than 14 days notice, there will be no consequences.

Call outs may be categorized as excused and will incur no disciplinary action if they are the result of a truly unavoidable situation for a team member who does not have a pattern of unexcused call outs, and/or if they are covered by a legally protected category of leave.


If repeated excused call outs become a pattern for a given employee, we will discuss the situation with the employee so that we may better understand their circumstances, and determine if any accommodations are needed.


​Employees who call out of a shift, you will not be eligible to work any other shifts on that same day.

For more information on the TFS Attendance Policy, click here.

Unexcused Clock Outs 

When  an employee clocks out early (prior to their job being completed) or asks a Staffing Captain to sign them out early from an event without approval of a direct supervisor.

Late Completion of Company Trainings

When an employee does not complete a required company training by the set deadline.



Resulting in Immediate Disciplinary Action

No Call/No Show

When  an employee fails to arrive at a shift without notifying a manager.


Should this occur, the employee will have their Nowsta  account deactivated without notification.  It will then be up to the employee to reach out to the Staffing Manager to discuss Nowsta account reactivation and disciplinary action. 

Incomplete Company Trainings

When an employee fails to attend or complete a required company-wide training by the assigned deadline.  


Should this occur, the employee will have their Nowsta account deactivated and must complete the training in order to have their Nowsta account restored.


Violation of Alcohol and Drug Policy 

See employee handbook for Alcohol and Drug Policy.


First offense: minimum of 3 shift removal

Second offense:  immediate termination


If you have any safety concerns about your job or work location, please don't hesitate to let us know.  You can reach out to your manager or send an email to


Additionally, if you are injured or become ill because of your job, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. Should this happen, please inform a manager immediately so that they can provide you an Illness / Injury Packet to complete. 

You may also contact the Business Operations Manager at


If you have an HR issue that you would like to bring up to management, please report it to your manager/supervisor or to our internal Human Resources department.


 Contact information is below:

Internal Human Resources Department

  • Contact: Chief Operations Officer or Business Operations Manager

  • Location: Business Office of The Fire Society at 2565 3rd Street Suite 313, San Francisco, CA 94107

  • Telephone: 415-282-2600 x 1001

  • Email:

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